Selasa, 08 November 2016

Motivation in Learning English
                Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behavior. In learning, motivation is one of most importance factors which influence learner success of fail. The student should have a motivation to support their learning because it is important to determine their success. There are several types of motivation in English learning English which are based on the origin of motivation and based on the purpose of motivation.
            Firstly, classification type of motivation in learning based on the origin. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation which comes from our self and it relays on the personal attitude. For example, the students who love learning English have some kinds of willingness or motivation that come from themselves to learn and practice English. Students who have this kind of motivation will learn English better and result will be satisfying.  While extrinsic motivation is the motivation which comes from outside the learner. The extrinsic motivation is mostly related to do something to get reward from outside, such as passing exams.
            Secondly, classification type of motivation in learning based on the purpose. Learners with instrumental motivation want to learn a language because of practical reason such as getting into college. Instrumental motivation is often the characteristic of second language learning, where no social integration of the learner into a community using the target language taken place. In other hand, integrated motivation where a language learner wishes somehow to integrated into the target language culture. They are interested in communicative with people and learning about their culture and language. They do learning because they want to understand English, not because the price or punishment from the teacher.
Based on the explanation above, motivation is important in learning English. Everyone have intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The learners should have the motivation in language learning to achieve their goal of learning.

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  2. Assalamu'alaikum, Eliya, it is OK, but consider the color of background and font, add the pages, and post the CALL preparation materials that have been edited by using link to mediafire. I wait
